The 2024-2025 Athletics Student Code of Conduct

Representing Central New Brunswick Academy in various activities is a privilege that students, teachers, coaches and other volunteers must accept with a full sense of responsibility.

Our school, our athletes, and our community are supported by positive behaviors.  Students are expected to adhere to the following:

  • LANGUAGE: The use of profane or vulgar language, verbal outbursts, racial slurs, or any form of derogatory remarks will not be tolerated.
  • ATTITUDE: Athletes are expected to behave in a mature, respectful and responsible manner at all times.
  • SPORTSMANSHIP: Good sportsmanship shall be demonstrated toward teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, fans and any others associated with a practice, game or tournament.  The show of sportsmanship is expected before, during and after a game or tournament and includes social media communication.
  • APPEARANCE: Team members are expected to present a neat and tidy appearance at all functions related to their activity.  Coaches and players will reach consensus on what is acceptable.
  • UNIFORMS/EQUIPMENT: Team members are expected to properly care for uniforms and equipment under their care.
  • SMOKING/VAPING: Athletes of Central New Brunswick Academy will not smoke or vape on school property or when representing the school elsewhere.
  • ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE: The use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs while representing CNBA at an athletic function, as either a player or spectator, will result in immediate dismissal from the athletics program for the year.
  • ACTIVITY/ATHLETIC FEE: Students are required to pay their student fee as well as their athletic fee before they can receive their uniform or play games.
  • SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Maintaining regular attendance at school is expected of all athletes.  It is the expectation at CNBA that athletes will be present for the entire school day in order to attend practices or games held on that day.  Athletes must be present at school on the last day of school prior to the weekend in order to play on the weekend.  If a student must be absent from school for medical reasons, he/she must seek authorization from administration and obtain a note from the doctor’s office that must be presented to the coach prior to practice or play.  Where possible, athletes will be expected to attend a partial day depending on the timing of appointments.  If an athlete is too ill to attend school, then athletic play is not an option.  To be considered as present for the entire school day, student athletes must arrive and sign in at the office by 8:30 a.m.  After 8:30 a.m., the student is considered absent and will not be participating in extra-curricular athletic events for the day.  Also, students should be present the day following games. If a pattern of absences following games occurs, it will be addressed by administration.  Sometimes students will need to sign out early for a scheduled game and should not be leaving earlier than the time set by coaches and athletic directors.
  • SUSPENSIONS: Students suspended from school are also restricted from athletic functions both as a player and a spectator.
  • ACADEMICS: Athletes whose work and effort fall below a passing grade may be temporarily or permanently removed from a team.  This includes attendance, punctuality, co-operation, respect for others, and a genuine effort on all homework, tests, projects and examinations.
  • DISCIPLINE: Detentions must be served as scheduled prior to an athlete participating in game or practice that day.  An athlete’s poor choices as a member of the Nighthawks may result in a school-based consequence.  Since playing sports as part of CNBA’s extra-curricular program is a privilege, disciplinary action, if required, for a student or team will be determined by the coach, athletic directors and/or administration.  Decisions made by school representatives in respect to extra-curricular events are not subject to appeal.
  • CURFEW: On overnight trips, players must be in their rooms at the time specified by the coach.
  • COMMITMENT: Once an athlete has been selected for a team, that athlete is expected to complete the entire season unless there is an unforeseen circumstance.  Failure to complete the season will result in not being allowed to play any sport for an entire calendar year.
  • LEADERSHIP: As a student athlete representing CNBA, you are expected to demonstrate acceptable and positive leadership at all times.  The staff and students at CNBA recognize your contributions to CNBA’s reputation as a school and athletic team.  Failure to demonstrate acceptable behavior and leadership both in school and as a member of the CNBA Nighthawks may result in removal from the team.
  • EXTRA-CURRICULAR ATHLETIC TEAMS/CLUBS: Students need to understand that coaches are volunteering their time to offer this opportunity. Rudeness and disrespect towards coaches and volunteers will not be tolerated. Being a member of the Nighthawks is a privilege and not a right.  The privilege can be revoked at any time if a coach or school administration does not feel that a student is upholding the responsibility of a team member or ambassador for CNBA in an appropriate manner.
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